Friday, April 25, 2008

Changing of Seasons

As I sit here looking out my window, I am simply amazed at the beauty of the transitioning seasons. I planted flowers this week and love the feeling of stepping back after the old, dried flowers are removed and the beauty of the new blooms are in place. I feel the same sense of accomplishment when I hear the stories of the families being changed by our books and EMwomen efforts. It is a real pick me up when I see the things we are doing changing the way people think about their future. Last night I received an email from a woman who was once filled with depression and fear due to their finances and has suddenly found hope and expectation since reading my new book. She said, "I feel as though I see the light at the end of the tunnel." I have to tell you that little emails like that make me want to keep doing what we are doing. I pray that your day is filled with the right information that brings you hope, joy and a sense of expectancy for the future. Consider the things you are reading, watching and spending your time with daily. Are they moving you closer to your dreams? Are they propelling your consciousness towards a better future? Are they inspiring you to take action on a new beginning where the old patterns of your past are uprooted and new blooms for a more productive future are their replacement? Try this today: Instead of spending your time on pointless activities or entertainment, consider reading, studying or involving yourself in activities that move you towards your dreams and goals. Then send me an email and let me know how it feels!

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