Friday, April 18, 2008

Spending Addicts

What a fantastic time we had at our EMcircles last night as we continued our journey into my new book, “The Ultimate 180 Financial Freedom Plan”. I am simply amazed when I hear the impact debt is having on women and their marriages. One lady came to me and told me that her addiction to spending is so severe that she is willing to steal, lie and borrow when she finds something she really wants from the store. She told me how she goes to the grocery store, buys extra food and then returns it for cash so her husband doesn’t know what she is doing. Her deception and addiction to spending has forged a wedge between them that has etched away at the core of their relationship.

The interesting thing is that they make a lot of money. Unfortunately, she is spending more than they make! Her addiction to “stuff” has forced her husband to cut her off from all credit cards. She sounded like a drug addict needing a quick fix and willing to do anything to find or steal the money to do so. Watching her take a stand and begin the process to financial freedom brings me the deepest joy. I am thrilled to see this book changing lives and inspiring lasting hope in people each day. The book is not yet released, however, you can get your pre-release download at

It’s inspiring to see women put a stake in the sand and begin taking action to improve their lives. I thank God for using me to be a catalyst to bring hope, clarity and a strategic plan for women like my friend. What a ride!

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