Monday, May 19, 2008

The Fastest Way To Get Rich

Ok, shout out to my buddy, Paula Broadbent this week. She and I took a little trip to Dallas, where I introduced her to one of my wholesale accessory stores. It is simply the most amazing wholesale store, full of thousands of items of jewelry, purses, belts, etc. It is truly an experience to walk into the store and see items that other stores would sell for over a hundred dollars on sale for twenty. When I take someone with me, I love watching their eyes when they see what items really cost. They are simply amazed.

Well, this time I took our Regional Director, my buddy Paula. She and her husband, Charlie, are dedicated to their Ultimate 180 Financial Freedom Plan. They have been diligently demolishing debt and working towards total freedom.

Yesterday, Paula went into the wholesale store with me giving herself a budget of $100. to spend in the store. I watched as she ooo’d and ahh’d over the many items she wanted. I was tickled watching her look at the prices and calculate her dollars. Of course, she didn't know I was enjoying her struggle as much as watching a good chick flick, but what happened in the process made me quite proud.

As I sat back and basked in the beauty of watching her budget her money, I have to tell you that I was thrilled as she walked up to the counter thinking she was at $100 in items. She thought to herself...."I did it! Charlie will be happy I didn't go over!"

Well....let me tell you...... that girl only spent $78. When the total rang up less than $100, she said, "Oh Shoot! I can spend more! Should I go back and get more?

I said, "No, walk away doing better than you planned and you will feel even better about the items you did get!"

Sure enough, she was so proud of herself for working below budget for a change. Way to go, girl. You are doing great on your 180 Financial Freedom Plan and on your way to a whole new world of freedom!

Did you know that the easiest way to get rich and live in financial freedom is not through some get rich scheme or lottery system? It is through your current income tied with good spending habits. If you will simply learn to spend less than you make, you will have "margin" or extra money each month that we can show you how to use to pay off debt or to put toward high interest investments.

Paula proved to herself that less is best and what a joy in feeling good at the end of the day!

To sign up for the Ultimate 180 Financial Freedom Course, click here and get started demolishing your debt today!

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