Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful, giving, sexy, overworked and often underappreciated mothers!!!! Today is a day of celebrating your greatness. Whether you are a seasoned veteran, a rookie in training, or a hopeful, expectant mother-to-be, I rejoice with you as such a valuable giver and nurturer of generations to come.

What an honor it is to be a mother. As I sit here in the early hours of morning, I give thanks to God for the privilege of partnering with Him and my husband in nurturing two precious children who will be catalysts of change in generations to come. Whether you are told often enough or not, Mom's, your life makes a difference. What you do on a daily basis matters, as the little ones you raise are watching your footsteps. What you say matters, as your children have ears like radars and pick up on every word. How you behave and the emotions you transmit daily are leaving an imprint on the heart of your children.

Today, on this very special day, I pray that each of us mothers will reflect on our personal leadership and ask ourselves, "Am I giving my best to the children I love the most? Am I living a life worthy of being followed?"

From my heart to yours, I pray that you feel celebrated today. You are an everyday Hero and worthy of honor. Enjoy your day! Treat yourself to a nap. Oh, go ahead and have a Bon Bon too! Then follow it up with a nice walk and give thanks to God for the joy of being a mom!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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